The last thing we want is for you to become one of the 4.6 million workers in the U.S. who suffer an on the job injuries each year.
Winter Haven personal injury attorney Tania Rivas and Rivas Law Group know only too well the devastating impact a catastrophic injury can have on a person’s life. And the saddest thing is, so many injuries could have been prevented if the proper safety rules and protocols had been followed.
That’s why The Rivas Law Group is joining the National Safety Council and other organizations in promoting National Safety Month, an annual event that takes place each June. National Safety Month focuses on reducing the leading causes of injury and death in the workplace, on the road and in our homes and communities.
Each week of this year’s National Safety Month will spotlight a different safety topic to raise awareness of the following workplace hazards:
National Safety Month Week One: Recognition – Learning to See Hazards.
There may be hazards in your home or workplace that you don’t even know about. It’s important to train yourself and those around you to recognize these hazards and remove them before they cause an injury.
National Safety Month Week Two: Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls
More than 8 million people were injured in preventable falls in 2017 alone. According to the National Safety Council, slips, trips, and falls are one of the major causes of preventable injuries and deaths in the workplace, but outside of work this is a serious concern for many people. We’ve all heard of distracted driving — did you know distracted walking is also something to be on the lookout for? If you’re texting while walking, you may not notice hazards on the sidewalk or in a store.
This week’s events are meant to increase awareness of slip, trip and fall hazards and how to prevent them.
National Safety Month Week Three: Fighting Fatigue Risks
There’s a definite connection between fatigue and injury. Driving while drowsy, operating equipment at work, cooking — even the most mundane tasks can become hazardous if you’re too sleepy to adhere to basic safety protocols.
Besides the risk of injury, chronic fatigue can take a toll on your health as well. This week will provide tips to help everyone get the rest they need to be safe.
National Safety Month Week Four: Risks of Impairment
Performing even routine tasks while impaired — whether due to drugs, alcohol, fatigue or emotional stresses — puts everyone around you at risk. This week will focus on educating people about the dangers of working or driving while impaired and providing resources to those may need help with their problems.
When You’ve Been Injured Due To Negligence
Safety hazards can be found anywhere — at the construction site you work in, the grocery store you shop in, your care, your home and everywhere in between. Identifying and removing these hazards is key to your day to day safety.
When those around you fail to observe reasonable safety standards, severe injuries and even death can result. In addition to pain and suffering, accident victims are often left with extraordinary medical bills and other expenses that they are unable to pay because they are unable to return to work.
If you’ve been injured in a Florida accident that could have been prevented, you have a right to seek compensation for the damages caused by those injuries. We urge you to reach out to Tania Rivas at the Rivas Law Group without delay. Tania Rivas has helped accident victims throughout Central Florida, from Tampa Bay to Orlando, get the compensation they deserve after an accident.